Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Okay, so I said I wasn't going to post on the same show twice until I got through the rest but apparently I have no willpower and Gilmore Girls seems to be my obsession lately so...

I felt that this week's episode was pretty much just filler, but for some reason it seems to have caused quite a lot of discussion over at the TWOP boards about Logan vs. Marty. I usually don't post there because my posts usually get either ignored or attacked, so I thought I'd just put out my thoughts here.

Okay, so it is no secret that I LOVE LOGAN. I loved him when people thought he was a jerk when first introduced, and I loved him when he was arguing with Rory, and I loved him when he was snubbing Rory. He's so incredibly hot and if a Logan ever came after me I'd probably be the happiest girl in the universe.

But I like Marty too and I feel bad for him. Whereas Rory has been part of the rich kid culture because of Richard and Emily even though she's technically not one herself, Marty is just looking in from the outside, and I hate how Logan's friends look down on him. And it's hard not to feel bad when the girl you like likes some other guy who happens to be rich and articulate (and HOT).

But people on the TWOP boards have been debating all these odd topics like who's more "intellectual" and why Logan is a man and Marty's a boy. Which I don't really see as having any bearing on the situation at all. Sure, Logan has all the witty comebacks and the knowledge needed to banter with Rory, but he's also a huge slacker. And it's not like Marty's unintelligent either...he got into Yale, and like most Ivy League kids (including Rory) he needs to study to get by. As for the man vs. boy thing...Logan's a man? Sure, he can act mature (and I think he might actually be a few years older), but he still parties like a frat boy (well, a rich frat boy, I suppose) and wastes money on ridiculous poker games. And why does Rory need a man? She is 20 years old and I hope to God the series ends before she gets MARRIED. Oh, and maybe TV Yale is different, but I go to an Ivy League School too and there are no MEN least in undergrad.

Hm, I'm not sure what the point of this post was. The funny thing is that I love Logan but I'm not sure if I want him to end up with Rory. I just feel like Rory's getting really comfortable in the world of her grandparents, and I guess that bothers me a little. Before Logan came along, I was totally rooting for Marty but now I just don't understand why he's still around except to have two guys liking Rory, which we really do not need to see. Haha I think just want Logan for myself.

But what was up with Rory practically sitting in Marty's lap while watching the movies? Poor guy, no wonder he was confused.

1 comment:

mira said...

haha i haven't watched the episode yet, but i couldn't help but read... i love how that was logan-loving entry number 2!