Thursday, May 26, 2005

J.J. Abrams I hate you

I haven't watched Lost yet but judging from the Alias season finale I do not think I'm going to be happy. I'm not going to say much because Mira hasn't been keeping up and I don't want to spoil her, but I will say that if you haven't watched the finale episode yet, I do not recommend watching the last 3 minutes. Because obviously there is a huge-ass cliffhanger that is going to make you flip out. I seriously screamed "someone shoot me now" at my computer screen.

Anyway, I have decided that I'm never getting sucked into another J.J. Abrams show again, no matter how amazing the premise is. Because he is the most ridiculously manipulative TV screenwriter EVER. He thinks he knows exactly how to get the audience to think that this is great TV. And he's probably right most of the time, but you know what, J.J.? IT DOESN'T WORK FOR ME. Right now, I feel really fucked around with. This show isn't about good characters and realistically progressing's "how do I mess with the audience's heads?" It's frickin' annoying. For me, being shocked does not equal being satisfied. I want scenarios that are clever and surprising but that make sense, not ones that seem pulled out of nowhere for the heck of it. But of course everyone else will think that the show is still excellent, which will only feed J.J. Abrams' ego and ensure that we'll have even more of this crap to come next season, which of course I will be watching because apparently I like pain. See? He's making me hate him and yet I'm still going to be watching his show. Stupid Alias.

I don't know, I think I might be more forgiving of Lost because it was obvious right from the beginning that crazy inexplicable things were going to be happening. But Alias started out somewhat grounded in was all fine when it was just the double agent thing and the fun undercover missions. Now it's just become this preposterous free-for-all. Now that I think about it, the first bad sign was when that stupid page was found with a drawing of Sydney. Maybe I should have just dropped the show then...

1 comment:

mira said...

Yeah my coworker was SUPER excited about how Alias ended so I got him to tell me what the cliffhanger is. Man, on the other hand, he knows how to suck people in. I hadn't realized Sydney and Vaughn were engaged! Geesh! I'm soooo behind!