Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Gilmore Girls finale

I don't really understand why all the critics are saying that this season of Gilmore Girls has been the strongest yet because all I'm going to remember about it is how completely unlikeable and irritating Rory has become. Even Luke and Lorelai aren't making up for that because the writers gave them such little attention and seemed to be more concerned with Taylor and Kirk and even that stupid troubadour.

About Rory dropping out of Yale: I was actually glad that Mitchum gave her the smackdown last episode because truthfully I don't think that she'd make a great journalist either. I mean, I'm sure she's a good writer and she'd probably do fine at a smaller paper but Christiane Amanpour she is not. I mean, I did feel a little sorry for her, because she obviously feels like her dream has been crushed, but her comment about not wanting to be around people with goals? I don't go to Yale, but I'm pretty sure that the Ivy Leagues are FILLED with people who have no idea what they want to do with their lives. Plus Yale (along with most other universities) does not have an undergraduate journalism major. I assume she's majoring in English or something similar, which we've seen that she enjoys. Heck, she supposedly enjoys learning about EVERYTHING. Yeah, so being an English major isn't exactly career-oriented, but it's been known to serve as a pretty good background for almost anything liberal arts oriented that you would want to do. I mean, is Rory really going to realize that she really wanted to be an engineer instead? Highly doubtful.

But seriously, if she's been wanting to be a journalist for her entire life, wouldn't she have put up more of a fight?

On the other hand, I do think Lorelai was overreacting a little. I mean, Rory wasn't wrong about it being common for college kids to take time off. But Lorelai seemed to think that this meant that Rory wasn't ever going to go back and that her life was ruined. I think Rory's been incredibly stupid, but I don't think she's going to give in to a life without a college degree. Yeah, Lorelai fed the whole Harvard dream from day one, but last time I checked, Rory was the one driving.

And Rory running to Richard and Emily and crying? Geez, maybe if she was like ten years old that would have been acceptable. This whole situation is just ridiculous. If next season is going to have Rory living off of Richard and Emily and discovering some artistic passion or some other junk I'm going to barf.

Luke and Lorelai better get married dammit!

1 comment:

mira said...

i like how we haven't been commenting on each other's posts lately cuz we just talk about it in IMs. :-) but anyway i haven't watched the finale yet, but i'm definitely NOT looking forward to it now. grr!!