Friday, April 08, 2005


Perhaps it's early set-up for May sweeps, but TV this week was seriously intense. Man, the writers out there in LA have soooome balls.

24: The President was attacked by terrorists while on Air Force One. It's not clear whether he died or not (it was an indirect hit) but wow, what TV show/movie has the guts to actually kill the President?

Lost: Boone (Ian Somerhalder, who has the most ridiculously pretty eyes ever) died from injuries after falling off a cliff in an old plane. I didn't think Boone was the most interesting person on the island, but geez, killing off the character of a member the main cast who didn't want to leave the show?

Alias: SpyDaddy Jack Bristow very likely exposed himself to radiation trying to save his daughter. Again, I'm not sure what the extent of this exposure is...but look what happened to Mason on 24. And like I've mentioned before, I took a course in nuclear engineering and the biological effects of radiation, which are decidedly not fun.

1 comment:

mira said...