Friday, March 11, 2005


I'm surfing to see what their new midseason shows are and I notice Grey's Anatomy, yet another medical show that has basically the same premise as Scrubs but it's a drama. I remember having seen a preview for it and recognizing Sandra Oh from Sideways in it.

Anyway, I look at the cast list, and Katherine Heigl (Isabel from Roswell) is in it. Playing a character named Isobel, "Izzie." And I go look up her IMDB profile, and apparently she played a character named Isabel in that bizarre MTV version of Wuthering Heights. What the heck? Haha I've heard of actors being typecasted, but namecasted? It's not even like Isabel is that common of a name.

Oh, I'm not interested in the show otherwise.

1 comment:

mira said...

I was interested in the show because the commercial for the show plays Postal Service "Such Great Heights" in the background...