Tuesday, March 08, 2005


A true sign of being obsessed with television is when you start to ship couples. Haha, and definitely when you start using the term ship...it's short for relationship and can be used as both a noun ("I gave up on the Sydney/Vaughn ship") or as a verb ("I ship Luke/Lorelai" or "I'm a Luke/Lorelai shipper"). Anyway, my television history has been FILLED with ships. From the obvious to the embarrassing to the inexplicable...here is a list of my top ten ships thus far (in pseudo-chronological order):

1. Mulder/Scully on the X-files. Probably my first ship ever and probably the most aggravating because there was almost nothing except ridiculous sexual tension for what, nine seasons? At least they ended up together and we got to see a few kisses...

2. Willow/Oz on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm still kind of sad that Willow turned out to be a lesbian, even though I really liked Tara, because of OZ. He was so the perfect first boyfriend (except for that werewolf stuff...yeah) and man, I really do hope that they meet in Istanbul someday. Haha, don't you love how I speak of characters as if they're real people with actual continuing lives?

3. Buffy/Angel and Buffy/Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. These are a bit strange. I wasn't really into B/A while it was actually happening, but once Angel was gone, suddenly I felt like they had been meant for eachother. And I didn't really like B/S and their ridiculous sex scenes either, but thinking back, the way Buffy changed Spike? That was pretty hot.

4. Max/Liz and Alex/Isabel on Roswell. This was THE shipper show. It was practically required to ship if you wanted to enjoy the show. And fanfic (fan fiction)? It had to be labeled with ships so that people knew what to expect when reading it. Anyway, I was a typical Roswell shipper, at least to begin with. I was a pretty die-hard M/L shipper first season but my interest kind of faded after that. Although I am happy that the show ended with them getting married. As for A/I...that was pretty futile. And I was totally pissed when they killed off Alex...

5. Joey/Pacey on Dawson's Creek. Yeah, another typical one. I totally claimed to hate this show pretty much the entire time it was on the air, but I must have secretly loved it because I kept watching and I was definitely rooting for Joey and Pacey. Even though I hated Joey. (That hate was real.)

6. Max/Logan on Dark Angel. Another aggravating ship. They spent pretty much the whole first season flirting but then when they were finally ready to be a couple, they give Logan some ridiculous condition where he can't touch Max? And then the show ended prematurely! Sigh.

7. Sydney/Vaughn on Alias. Another sexual tension couple. Maybe the X-files was smart in keeping Mulder and Scully apart for so long, because as soon as Sydney and Vaughn got together? BORING.

8. Luke/Lorelai on Gilmore Girls. Haha I think there's enough said about them on this blog already. All I can say is that we've been waiting for this forever and it is definitely as good as I knew it was going to be.

9. Seth/Summer on the OC. Well, for all of first season, and just recently too. It's been done before, the dorky guy getting his dream girl, but I liked both of their characters so much that I couldn't help shipping them. I do kind of wish they had done the Anna character better though because well, if the hot girls can get both hot guys and dorky guys, then what do the non-hot girls get? A plane ticket back to Pittsburgh, that's what.

10. Tony/Michelle on 24. This was my favorite ship last season, which is kind of bizarre because 24 is obviously a show that doesn't really care about relationships. But I was so rooting for them season 2 and them coming back married on season 3? SO CUTE. Of course then they had to screw it up, but Michelle is now back and there's hope! Yay Tony and Michelle!

Edited to add some honorable mentions (these might be a bit odd...):
Zack/Kelly on Saved the Bell, Rory/Jess on Gilmore Girls, Brandon/Kelly on 90210, Will/Bella on Young Americans, Pacey/Andie on Dawson's Creek, Xander/Cordelia on Buffy. Oh and Shawn/Belle on Days of Our Lives and Sonny/Alexis on General Hospital.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's what shipping means. I didn't know. What about Sam and Cindy Sanders from "Freaks and Geeks"...geek gets popular cheerleeder but then finds out she's super annoying. Oh well.

mira said...

I'd add Monica/Chandler. :-) We had another commenter! Amazing! It's NOT just you and me!