Thursday, February 16, 2006

my two favorite shows this season...

It's funny, in general Jen and I tend to watch a lot of the same TV. Or at least we used to. Back in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Roswell, Dawson's Creek [even if Jen was "not watching" it for chunks of time] days our most intense conversations would focus purely around TV. But if we were to make a list of all the shows we watch today, we might have maybe 40-50% overlap in shows and then our top 2 shows wouldn't even be shared.

My current top two are: Grey's Anatomy and One Tree Hill.

Both shows have managed to continue their wonderful character developments going on. Examining and re-examining relationships between characters, making it work or not work, but at least having good concrete reason for it. Brooke-Lucas are finally working. Nathan-Haley are making it work. Karen-Keith are *finally* together. McDreamy-Meredith are not together, but working so well not together (and going to get there eventually). Burke-Christina, in their own very odd ways, work super well together. You sorta root for Alex-Izzie, George-the nurse, but at the same time if they don't get there it's okay. You root for Peyton to find and keep love -- Ellie, Jake... So yeah, I love these shows! Then you throw in how much One Tree Hill has been working to continually develop the musical parts of their show. Yesterday's episode in particular was chockful of musical acts (and makes me really want to buy the CD).

Anywho, so why do these AWESOME awesome shows feel the need to do something of super duper shock value to piss me off to impress their audiences? Apparently, each show will be suffering a casualty of one of the main cast members. It's rumored that someone will be killed off this season on Grey's Anatomy and that in the upcoming episode of One Tree Hill, when a troubled teen takes the school hostage by gun, someone will die. EEEEEEESH. Gimme spoilers, NOW. I want to know who's kicking the bucket. BAH. But please please please keep my couples in tact.


Jennifer said...

We can still talk about Gilmore I can still talk about that show to no end even though it mostly sucks.

Mira you need to catch up with Veronica Mars! I suppose there's no guarantee that you'd like it as much as me but I think it's kind of Buffy-ish, strangely, but in some ways even better.

Man, isn't every character on Grey's Anatomy and One Tree Hill in one of your couples?

Anonymous said...

Stop watching gay WB shows know who this is...FEED ME KIMCHI

mira said...

well yeah. i guess i kinda just like every character on those two shows. perhaps that's why i enjoy them so much. :-)

and gilmore girls is just frustrating to no end. eergh.