Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tom Cruise's Today interview

Click to read the transcript and watch the entire video here. Also courtesy of Pink is the New Blog, a link to another great transcript with "visual annotations."

Man, I kind of don't know what to think about the whole TomKat thing...I don't think that the publicity stunt theory makes any sense, but I mean, the whole thing is just so unnatural. The age difference is one thing, but then there was the sudden "announcing" of the relationship plus the press tour and the hyper-speed movement toward an engagement, and the whole Scientology angle, which I don't understand but would probably be less afraid of if Tom Cruise wasn't such a devotee. Of course all of this is further fueled by my hate for Joey Potter and that annoying toothy smile that Katie Holmes is always giving, but seriously, something just doesn't seem right here.

Besides which, Tom Cruise scares the heck out of me. I mean, he's arguing with Matt Lauer, who was really being pretty reasonable, telling him that he doesn't know anything and how he should go and study the history of psychiatry? I think what bothers me the most is how dang SMUG he is. I'd be terrified to say anything to the man because there's probably a 50% chance that he doesn't agree with it and will be condescendingly telling me that I don't know anything!

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