Monday, June 06, 2005

Matt Roush answered my question!

Matt Roush is the lead TV critic over at TVGuide (and is living my dream career) and has an "Ask Matt" column on the website where he answers questions submitted by viewers. I submitted a question a few weeks ago and he answered it last Friday! It's the last question on the page.

I've been surprised by all your praise of Gilmore Girls this season. While finally putting Luke and Lorelai together was wonderful and long overdue, Rory has just become intolerable. I understand that the writers want her to make mistakes and put her through some trials, but it's gotten to the point where I didn't even want to watch the show because of her behavior. It's not compelling, it's irritating. Rory used to be the only really relatable high-school and then college-age girl on television, and now she's just another Dawson's Creek cutout. — Jennifer
That's a bit harsh. But I will agree with you that the one episode in which Rory followed Logan's dad around the newspaper office like an attention-starved puppy was silly and out of character. Her extreme overreaction to the boss' critique was problematic, but understandable for a girl like Rory, who has been given nothing but praise and support for her high-aiming pursuits. The fact that you're irritated by her ups and downs seems to me a sign that she's striking a nerve. I felt the turning points in the season finale were masterfully executed. But it's a fact that Rory has been a subject of debate and controversy ever since last season's finale, when she slept with the married Dean.

Haha, he called me harsh! Which is true, but then he somewhat agreed with me also. I just felt like there had been too much praise and sucking up to the show on his columns this season and I wanted to throw in an opposing opinion and it looks like he appreciated it. Yay for Matt Roush!


mira said...

You're FAMOUS! :-D

Anonymous said...

wow that's pretty cool. I wonder if his respones need to get "approved" by people before he answers.