Thursday, June 23, 2005

austin, the new philadelphia?

Oh my lordy. So, when they first start introducing the new characters? My reaction was, whoa this might be a boring season. These characters are kinda boring. Geez, did I eat my words. Like 5 seconds into the cast meeting each other, two of the girls make out in the hot tub, two of the guys make a bet on who they'll hook up with within the month. Then no less, within the first 2 nights: there are already 2 love triangles (Johanna likes Danny -- who's HOT -- who likes Melinda. Wes likes Johanna who likes Danny), Johanna is a lousy drunk, Melinda is a huge skank, Danny and Wes get into a fight with random strangers on the streets, Danny has a fracture on the ocular part of his skull? CRAZINESS! TWO nights!

Boring season, my ass.

On a sidenote, Laguna Beach Season 1 is available on DVD. Oy.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Nooooo kidding. I don't really find Melinda to be that she's got the body and the long blonde hair going for her but eh, she's annoying.

And I don't know why they insist on casting people like Lacey who just seem destined to be outcasts. Well actually, I don't know why she would have wanted to be on the show in the first place. Haha, I know she's supposed to be the unique artsy one but I find myself calling her the only normal one.

I have to admit that I kind of like Danny and Wes. The two Caucasian guys on every season seem to become buddies and they're always stupid and funny.