Thursday, January 25, 2007

Top Chef: in which Jennifer now no longer cares


So two weeks ago, I predicted Elia as the winner. Then last week I switched my prediction to Sam. And this week? They're both out?!?!

You know, I kind of wish that I had the willpower to skip next week's finale entirely and just pretend that there's going to be no winner at all, because I don't think that either Marcel or Ilan deserves to win and honestly I don't want to see either of them get the satisfaction of winning. Marcel's annoying and Ilan's a tool. Marcel's mad scientist cooking may be the new wave, but his leadership and social skills leave a lot to be desired. Ilan's creative and ambitious, but he only knows Spanish food.

And compared to last season, this is just a travesty. Whoever wins is not going to hold a candle to Harold.


At least Sam won fan favorite? I didn't vote for him and I think he's kind of a tool as well but I still think he was the best chef out of all of them.

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