Tuesday, January 17, 2006

24 season 5 premiere

So my worst fears have come true: they killed Michelle, and even worse, I didn't have time to be pissed about it because the rest of the premiere was just so frickin' good! It'll probably hit me more once Tony makes his impossibly fast recovery and gets angry and avenges Michelle's death. Man, I know that Jack's life sucks and will continue to suck, but couldn't they have left Tony and Michelle alone?? My only consolation is that they did get to have 18 months together away from CTU...

Anyway, the 4-part season premiere was pretty much just awesome non-stop action and suspense. I'm really liking this year's plotline so far because they're keeping the bad guys more mysterious and their plan seems to be more complex.

I love that 24 has this funny formula every season though. Despite massive upheaval in his life, Jack always manages to find a new girlfriend. I mean, undercover in Mexico, working at the DoD, hiding out 30 minutes from LA (yeah, way too convenient)...evidently he's unstoppable in both the romance and fighting-terrorism departments. Of course, his relationships never seem to survive the events of each season...but Audrey Raines is back in the mix, so maybe she's actually Jack's True Love. Haha, anyway, there's also always a teenager mixed up in the action,some new CTU office romance, and a new CTU bigwig. Chloe having this season's office romance: AWESOME. As for Sean Astin, he's not doing too badly at playing the annoying dude who's actually just kind of nervous but semi-effective. Bill Buchanan is so still the best CTU boss in awhile though.

Oh, and Logan is still President? Keeler died or resigned or something? Talk about irritating. I'm not a big fan of Bush but he looks like a master politician next to Logan. The crazy First Lady tradition continues, but Martha Logan looks way smarter than POTUS himself, though yeah, crazy. I don't remember seeing Jean Smart in anything else but she's putting on a pretty kick-ass performance. And I KNEW that Walt was going to turn out to be a bad guy. Does anyone else think he looks weirdly like Dustin Hoffman or is that just me? Glad to see that Aaron Pierce is back as well, maybe he'll get to do something cool this season. And Curtis! He's becoming quite the fields ops man.

Can't wait for next week! This no-reruns thing is so the best idea on TV.

1 comment:

mira said...

there are just way too many characters on this show. i'm confused already. but i decided that the first lady is NOT crazy but that her evil husband of a potus has been drugging her to make it look like she's crazy. that's my season 5 prediction. :-)