Friday, August 27, 2010
Mad Men: Why I kind of have to force myself to watch it
But despite all this, I generally have to force myself to watch the show. It's still summer, and there isn't a whole lot to watch on TV, but five episodes of the new season aired before I finally got up the motivation to catch up. Why? Because well, I just don't think Mad Men is a fun show to watch. I mean, there actually is quite a bit of humor in the show (in large part due to Roger Sterling one-liners) but there's always this undercurrent of...creepiness. Everything always just feels so unsettled and like a disaster waiting to happen, and sometimes episodes have this really deliberate, labored pace with long, quiet, drawn out scenes of the characters just being...creepy! Don, Betty, Peggy, Pete, Sally, that awful Glen...they can all just be really creepy! Sorry I keep using that one word but I can't really think of a better one.
I mean, once I get going on the episodes, I don't regret it. I really liked what the writers did last season, really shaking things up with the bust-up of both the Drapers' marriage and the original Sterling Cooper agency, and this season it's been really interesting to see the results of those changes, especially in Don. I'm glad Joan is back at work (though her husband is yet another creepy one...) and one of my favorite things about the show, Don and Peggy's strange and complicated but close relationship, continues to be explored.
But the creepiness factor is just always there! So while I have no problem saying that Mad Men is one of the best shows on TV, I can't really say it's one of my favorites. Am I the only one who gets overly bothered by its creepy atmosphere?

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday Talk: New Fall TV!
Jennifer: I'm intrigued by Fox's Lone Star, a prime-time soap set in the world of Texas big oil, another world I know nothing about. It seems ambitious, almost more of a movie premise than a series one but I'll bite. I'm also interested in No Ordinary Family, which sounds like a mash up of The Incredibles and Heroes. I'm thinking it'll either be fantastic or dreadful. And I guess I'll watch Undercovers, even though I still have residual hate for J.J. Abrams because of Alias, and I mean, this is another spy show. It'll probably start out really great at least. Actually I usually try to watch all the new fall shows, excepting procedurals and really dumb sitcoms (I'll be skipping Outsourced, for example). We'll see if my DVR can handle it!
Mira: (Still on vacation!) ...and back! Shows I'm looking forward to: Hellcats (Because there is no denying my teenybopperness), Lone Star (Looks interesting, and I'm a sucker for soap opera-ish dramas. I still remember fondly the attempt by the WB back in the day with Savannah, a prime0time soap set in -duh!- Savannah.), No Ordinary Family (Super hero family! Love The Incredibles and Sky High!), Running Wilde (The pairing of Will Arnett and Keri Russell looks interesting), The Whole Truth (Yeah, I watch procedurals)... Let's see if I have *time* for all these tv shows this fall. I have a lot of school and work. :(

Thursday, August 19, 2010
T^2: Fictional Friends
Jennifer: This is a pretty random answer but I kind of like the guys from Reaper: Sam, Ben, and Sock. Yeah, they're all slackers but they just seem fun and normal and laid back (even when hunting demons). I also like the gang from My Boys, but they probably wouldn't have me since I'm not that into baseball or beer. I'd play poker though. Interesting how I picked groups of mainly guys...maybe this is because I'm happy with my real-life girlfriends!
Mira: Hi from Florence. I actually posted this question weeks ago when it first came to me but it kept getting pushed back as a published Thursday Talk question. And then of course I took off without remembering to post an answer. Haha! Well my pick is Glee. I love their mishmash of different semi-social outcast characters who for all of their differences can band together when it counts. Some characters do have some annoying quirks but then again, even of all your closest friends, who doesn't have annoying quirks? So I pick them cuz through it all the cast and characters look like they're having a blast. And I wish I could sing.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Covert Affairs: Alias remixed

Annie is supported by her handler, Auggie Anderson, a former field operative who was blinded in Iraq and now is running tech ops at Langley. He's played by Christopher Gorham, who's probably the most charming he's ever been. I think it's because for once he's not playing the earnest, bumbling geek...he's still a tech nerd but Auggie is actually kind of a ladies' man. The blindness part is kind of interesting, there's all sorts of crazy Braille devices and stuff to help him run the computers. I guess as this is a TV show a romance with him and Annie is inevitable but I'd rather they not go there...I think Annie and Auggie have more of a buddy chemistry.

Overall, I would say this is definitely a "summer" show. It's pretty fun and light and a lot of the cast is likable. It doesn't take the risks that Alias did but because of that it probably won't crash and burn either. I'm going to keep watching it for now, but I can see myself eventually getting bored of it...

Friday, August 13, 2010
"The Beast" Goes Home
On Top Chef, each chef is judged for his or her work on that episode alone...this is a somewhat controversial rule, but I think it makes the competition that much more fierce, because it reduces the chance of someone weak from continuing on. But wait!!! you say...then how the heck do ppl like Alex and Lisa from season 6 stick around so long?!?! I guess the system has holes as well especially with Team challenges where someone can coast through. Which incidentally, creates a whole lot of drama for better or worse.
Besides, if one actually looks at the sees that Kenny simply has not been delivering on his massive swagger. According to the handy dandy wikipedia chart, he has only 1 win and 1 high. He's had 3 "ins" and 3 "lows." This is not stellar by any means.
Anywayz... I'm not sure who I'm rooting for this season. Maybe Kevin? He is from Philly...

Thursday, August 12, 2010
SYTYCD: my favorite 5
Just one last post for the season... My favorite 5 dances of the season.
5. Lauren & Robert in the finale with the pillow (Dee Caspary)
4. Alex & Allison in "Hallelujah" (Sonya)
3. Billy & Ade in "Mad World" (Stacey Tookey)
2. Alex & Twitch hiphop number (NappyTabs)
1. Robert & Allison in "Fix You" (Travis)
Honorable mention: Adechike & Comfort in "Fallin'" (NappyTabs)
Yay for the Season 7 winner!

Thursday Talk: Back to School
Jennifer: I thought this was going to be an interesting question but my answers are totally predictable. For school, obviously Hogwarts (I think I'd be a Ravenclaw)! And for teacher, Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though he was barely a teacher since no one besides the Scooby Gang ever really went to the library. Honorable mention to Mr. Feeny of Boy Meets World. Totally ridiculous show and totally ridiculous that he was Cory and Shawn's teacher from middle school through college but I rather liked him.
Mira: For school, I'd want to go to Breaker High. I love being on the water and have always had this secret fascination with the idea of living out on sea, so a high school set on a cruise ship? AWESOME! For teacher I pick Michael Vartan in Never Been Kissed. Simply cuz he's so hot and he was just so nice! Okay, so it's probably not right that he grows this attraction to someone pretending to be a high school student but you know what? It wasn't illegal because she wasn't a student and well... he's so hot! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
SYTYCD: finale!
I did watch last week but I didn't post because well I was kind of bored by the dances in the first half of the show. And nothing really grabbed me in the remainder of the show. Still sad that Billy Bell was lost the week before but I guess that from the final 4 the right final 3 made it. Short of Alex, Billy Bell was my third favorite (after Lauren and Kent).
Kent: There was a looot of Bollywood this season! But Kent was fantastic in this. So much energy and fun! Love him...
His solo song was definitely appropriate for the finale. He's so cute!!
Yay for Kent and Lauren. I really want Kent's supposed crush on Lauren to be true! Really cute dance but I feel like since they're so young... more mature would've been better. I felt like they should be breaking out into jitterbug!
I really love Stacey Tookey and her dance concepts. This week's concept was deep but I didn't see it in this piece. It was a good piece but not one I'd really remember!
Lauren: She's my favorite of these final 3... Lo Fro... Not sure I completely cared for the concept of the NappyTabs routine but the choreography was great and I love Lauren in hip hop!
The Lauren and Robert piece was AMAZING...
It's super cute that her favorite dance was with Kent tooooo!
Robert: Wow. Mark and Robert? Nuts! I do love the mix up of more same gender dances this season. The two didn't just look like brothers, they looked like twins! I couldn't tell who was who... BTW, where was Sonya in the second half of this season?? It was all right but I feel Robert got set up for success. Haha.
His interview was a nice reminder of the amazing dance that he did with Allison!
Really enjoyed his piece with Katherine and Broadway so rarely appeals to me but that was really, really good. Impressed that he danced "cool" even with having split his pants.
The gangster dance was interesting... Reminded me of the paso doble. This one was okay for me...
- I heart Cat Deeley!!
- It makes me a little sad that this season was so clearly dominated by only contemporary dancers... What makes this show so great is the diversity of dancers brought together but the dancing was fantastic. Looking forward to the tour!!!
- Lauren FTW! ;)

Saturday, August 07, 2010
Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

Thursday, August 05, 2010
T^2: Commercials!
Mira: I very rarely watch any commercials because most of my tv watching is off of my DVR. But my favorite commercial ever: The Angry Chicken. The concept was hilarious, the French narrating with a slightly different English dubbing over it somehow adds to it, and well... Angry chicken! Now for the reason I came up with this question... I really love the Progressive lady, the super enthusiastic one. I really tend to block out most commercials, especially Geico ones (the money watching you and caveman stuff and talking gecko are annoying, weird, and old in that order), but I really like commercials with her in it. It's inexplicable really but I just... really like her!
Jennifer: Yeah, I don't watch too many commercials either and even when I'm not fast-forwarding through them I'm not really paying attention. The ones I "like" are mostly due to a good song or a cute dog or something and I can't even tell you what they were actually advertising. I can tell you which commercials I hate though.... 1) Pretty much all Apple commercials, especially the "There's an app for that" iPhone commercials and the Mac vs. PC commercials. I have a Macbook Pro and two iPods and love them but I HATE their smug advertising. 2) The Old Navy modelquin commercials. Just...creepy.