Friday, August 26, 2005

40 year old virgin

I'm dating this earlier than I'm actually posting, because I've been busy and haven't had a chance to post. Plus I need to post about last night's Green Day concert as well. Since I saw the movie last Thursday, the date will be Friday to represent when I saw it. Posting actually occured Wednesday, Aug 31 @ 6:50PM.

Anyway, my coworkers and I used this movie as our "sober up after happy hour" movie. And good lordy, it was FUNNY. I mean, okay, just by the title of the movie and the premise, you kinda expect that it's gotta be really funny. And it definitely did not disappoint. There were many points in the movie where you felt pain for Andy, for whom the film is titled. And then you feel worse because it's just SO funny and you can't help but laugh. Seriously, this was an all-out funny movie. So if you need a good laugh, go watch it!!!

Hopefully I haven't over-hyped it. But it's good! Go! Watch!!!

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