Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Top Threes: Crossover couples

M: Which characters on different shows/movies/books would you love to see together? (Thanks to Burkie for the question!!)

Jennifer: The possibilities are kind of overwhelming so I'm sticking to TV.
1. Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) and Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl).
2. Ted (How I Met Your Mother) and Megan (Privileged) - This is kind of a cheat because Joanna Garcia actually was on HIMYM as a love interest for Ted in one episode but honestly, it seems like there aren't a lot of TV actresses of appropriate age left that haven't been love interests for Ted...
3. Laurie (Cougar Town) and Ben (Parks and Recreation).

Mira: Since Jenn stuck to TV, I did, too! I focused on shows that I felt needed ships or the character could have done better...
1. Jared (Pretender), genius and capable of taking on any job without being noticed, and Sydney Bristow (Alias), super spy.  Their kids would kick total ass.
2. Tristan (Gilmore Girls), sarcastic but vulnerable pretty boy, and Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars), sarcastic but vulnerable teenaged detective.  He says jerk things to protect an insecure interior; she calls it as she sees it.  Tristan may be a bit like Logan on VM except prettier and less douche-y.
3. Jess (The New Girl), Zooey Deschanel playing super dorky but gorgeous, and Ted (How I Met Your Mother), normal but dorky guy who takes a really long time telling his kids about how he met their mother.  I think this could be a possibility!!

1 comment:

burkie said...

i thought of this question when filling in for mira last month because i thought it sounded like a mira question, but i couldn't think of any answers! one i did think of, though?
1) Miss Parker (from The Pretender) with Patrick Jane (from The Mentalist). he's a SMARTass and would annoy the hell outta her, but charming enough to get away with it. (how did we both come up with The Pretender?!)
2) Smash's mom (from Friday Night Lights) with Veronica Mars' father (from Veronica Mars). these were both great single parents, and they'd be good together. (okay, this one i thought of tonight)
3) Alf (from Alf) with Miss Piggy (from The Puppets). actually, anybody with alf would be great...