Friday, June 29, 2007

Top Chef tackles some family favorites

Remember that stretch of episodes last season where the chefs had to make all this far-from-fine-dining food like from vending machines and for TGI Fridays and for kids at Camp Glucose (that name still cracks me up)? Well, it seems we're back to that again and once again they pretty much floundered...

I was kind of offended by the chefs' negative reactions to all the family favorites that were wheeled out. I know that this isn't exactly the kind of stuff that they cook normally, but you cannot tell me that there is no place for dishes like meatloaf and fried chicken and mac n' cheese and tuna casserole. I mean, they're American classics for a reason. That said, nearly none of the chefs were able to use their skills and creativity to update these classics. Like Colicchio said, most took a pretty literal interpretation of the challenge, and honestly I thought that most of them looked way worse than their original versions (even if they might have been lower in cholesterol).

So Howie wins the challenge and Micah gets sent home, pretty much a complete reversal of last week's results. I can't say I'm really that surprised or disappointed. Howie was really smart with his dish, and he deserved the win. And Micah...well, she was a roller coaster anyway and wasn't really showing signs of stabilizing.

Oh, and what was up with that bizarre Quickfire challenge? Scoop up a bunch of random seafood from a tank with a net and make something with it? Okaaaay. Nothing was really that memorable, except maybe that funny sequence with Micah trying to crack open her conch.

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