Thursday, March 17, 2005

an update!

So Alias has gotten a tad better...Sydney is showing a little bit more compassion and personality, Nadia and Weiss are still cute, and Vaughn is actually getting to do something! There still isn't much of an arc though...I have no idea where the season is going...if it's going anywhere at all.

Okay short post because I've been writing too many novel-length posts lately. And also I will be on spring break for the next week, so don't think that we've already given up on blogging! Most of our shows are on reruns right now so there just isn't too much to talk about. Haha, I like how our subtitle is " and books and movies and music too" but we really haven't posted about those much at all...especially books. Hopefully that will change in the near future?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still think Alias is in a creative ditch. They should start killing off some of the main characters 24 style. Then they should hire somebody new to play a new uber villian. Sloane's character is getting old and Sark is laughable. I like Nadia, but that's probably because she is so much less ANNOYING as Sydney.