Sunday, March 20, 2005

the brotherhood of war

Or Tae Guk Gi... It's funny, I tried to watch this movie months ago with my mom. Both of us fell asleep not too far into the movie. Perhaps its because we saw it on my tiny TV, and the coloring made it look like it was black and white. But in any case, we just couldn't get that into it. I got the opportunity to watch it through the end recently and I'm really glad I did.

First off, I felt like the biggest dork cuz I shed quite a few tears while watching it. Let's just say I didn't get to watch it in the privacy of my own apartment but rather was with a bunch of other people.

Second off, this movie was really, really well done. I know that Saving Private Ryan was hailed for so well portraying how war really is in all its goriness. But somehow, to me, this movie not only outdid SPR but it made you just feel terrible towards war. It also made me really sad to see people of the same country fighting each other and killing each other so. I mean all war sucks, and I know that its not uncommon in world history for people of the same country to fight each other, but there was just something so incredibly heartbreaking about watching the Korean men fighting and killing other Korean men. And to know that the result of this war? No one side truly, truly won, they ended up with two Koreas. But yeah there were a lot of graphic war scenes, which were incredibly hard and disgusting to watch at times, but at the same time they were really powerful because it just reminds the viewer of the horribleness of war.

Anyway, if you ever get the chance to watch it, seriously watch it. And try to watch it on the biggest screen you can find. Because the cinematography does the whole shaking of the camera to feel like you're being hit with the grenades and stuff thing, and on a small screen? It just makes you feel confused. It's a lot more effective watching it on a large screen.


Anonymous said...

oh yah, i saw it in the theater. i definitely cried, well more like something between tearing and crying.

truly intense. all about releasing that "han."

btw, that gov't agency does indeed have to do with languages.

Jennifer said...

Haha I actually brought this on DVD for my parents in Korea, and they're borrowing my brother's movie projector to show it to their church group next weekend. And they were testing it last night! Our timing is impeccable!