Tuesday, February 15, 2005

nuclear meltdown

So last semester I took an course called Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, which was pretty interesting and completely not difficult. By the professor's own admission, it was just supposed to be a fun elective for us. Anyway, we learned all about nuclear reactors and what would happen if they melted down and all the biological effects of radiation and stuff like that and while I liked the class, I didn't think I would ever find what I learned to be terribly useful.

But I was wrong!

Haha, 24 this season is all about a group of terrorists plotting to melt down US nuclear reactors. And okay, they don't mention that many specifics, and I'm sure I wouldn't feel like I was missing something otherwise, but I totally just feel like I understand what's going on. It's just kind of like when doctors watch ER or something. I think. Haha, anyway, this season has been pretty good so far. It was a good idea to start fresh with a new cast (though I am THRILLED that Tony is back!) and they got rid of annoying characters (Aisha Tyler) relatively quickly.

And of course, having no hiatuses is excellent.

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