Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life on Mars

I watched a couple of episodes of the original British version of this show and while I thought it was actually pretty fun and trippy, when it turned into more of just a regular cop show I sort of lost interest and didn't keep up. I expect the same to happen with this new American version...I thought the pilot was actually quite good. I liked the cast and it was fun seeing 70s New York (and like the 60s of Mad Men, the fashion is really entertaining, though definitely more ridiculous than glamorous). But when it comes down to it, I'm just not a fan of cop shows.

And I'm also kind of concerned about how they're going to resolve the time-traveling aspect. Like in the original, Sam Tyler is a present-day cop who randomly gets dropped into kind of a parallel life in 1973. He's still a detective, and the first case he investigates has a connection to the case he'd been working in the future. The British version apparently only had 2 short seasons--a total of 16 episodes, and there was a definite ending. Most British and other international TV shows seem to understand that some series are meant to have a limited run, but things in the US don't really work like that. Shows with premises that kind of demand a resolution tend to generally go one of two ways: 1) it's successful but then ends up going on too long and gets bad, or 2) it gets cancelled prematurely and we don't ever find out what happens. I really, really, dislike this. So, what will the fate of Life on Mars?

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