Sunday, July 31, 2005

tooo old!

So while I was in college I didn't think that watching high school TV shows and movies was that strange because it just didn't seem that far in the past and my high school experience had never been like the TV/movie stuff anyway. But now that I'm a college graduate and out in the real working world, I think I'm starting to feel like maybe I really am too old for it all. Unfortunately it's still too enjoyable to stop...

Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County on MTV. Can you say guilty pleasure? Sometimes I think I like this better than the Fake Orange County aka the OC because this is so catty and ridiculous but there are no crazy family dynamics soaping it up. And it's real! I find it amazing that there are kids out there who actually hang out in the hot tub for fun. I always thought that was just one of those Real-World-house contrivances.

Instant Star on Noggin. I was constantly seeing commercials for this on other channels so I watched my first episode of this last night. It's about this punky teenage girl who wins some contest and gets a record deal and a hot producer and a rapper boyfriend...haha yeah, this show is also ridiculous and the music is kind of horrendous in a catchy pop sort of way, but I like it. Man, I'm pathetic.

Made on MTV. So if I was still in high school and wanted to be MADE, what would I be made into? What's the opposite of a quiet, unpopular nerd?


mira said...

i looooooooove laguna beach... i'm almost tempted to buy season 1. talk about guilty pleasures.

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